- This here's the gas. You push her...
- Down.
- You had lessons before.
- No, I just saw you do it.
ROY: You're a smart old buzzard.
ADAM: Thank you very much.
- Keep your eyes open, don't you?
- Try to.
Now, this here is the crank.
See this wire sticking out of the radiator?
That's the choke.
Now watch careful.
Grab hold of the crank like this.
Push in till she catches.
See how my thumb is turned down?
I noticed that. Why do you do that?
If you put her around this way
with my thumb around her...
she'd probably knock
my blasted thumb off.
Dear, dear. First you lose your blasted arm
and then you lose your blasted thumb.
ADAM: That's wrong way around.
ROY: How's that?
He made a joke.
I never did see him so happy.
You pull out this choke
turn her around to suck gas in.
Then you give her a hard spin.
ROY: She caught, first time!
ADAM: Caught on what?
ROY: Advance the spark and retard the gas.
Reach over real quick and switch
to mag. That's magneto.
So, there you are.
Isn't that wonderful?
Of course, it isn't exactly
going anywhere, is it?
That's the easy part.
- Adam.
- I want you all to repeat after me.
Spark up, gas down.
Switch to bat.
Crank to compression, thumb down.
You get that? Let's have it again.
Spark up, gas down.
- What's the matter?
- Big snow slide.
Closed the pass and stopped the cars
about 100 miles out.
Can see water running out of the cars.
[Tense instrumental music]
It's still a good idea.
Cold can preserve things.
Someday, somebody'll prove it.
CAL: It was your idea.
It was presumptuous of me
to think it would be I.
Guess we bit off more lettuce
than we could chew.