If we can guarantee him 5 cents a pound...
and make him a seed loan,
he'll plant beans.
So will a lot of other farmers.
Why, we can contract
all the bean acreage you want.
[Cal laughing]
CAL: That's it. That's great.
When do we start?
CAL: How do you know the price
will go above 5, though?
Did you read the newspapers
this morning?
We're apt to be in war any minute.
You know I got a contract
with the British Purchasing Agency...
and I got a friend in
the Quartermaster Corps.
Do you know
that we could sell all the dry beans...
that we can find
at 10 cents a pound or more?
That's what I want. That's it. See?
CAL: How much will I make?
WlLL: Enough for what you want.
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
- What does Cal stand for?
- Caleb.
It's in the Bible.
- What's your brother's name?
- Aron.
That's in the Bible, too.
What's he like?
He looks like you.
Is he like me?
No. He's good.