I want $5,000.
All right, come on in. Sit down.
KATE: Come in.
Try that chair.
You got your father's eyes.
That's all I can see of him.
KATE: You're a nice looking boy.
CAL: Yes, ma'am.
KATE: I was very beautiful once.
CAL: Yes, ma'am.
KATE: Caleb.
CAL: Yes, ma'am.
Caleb and Aron.
Your father still thinks
he's living in the Bible, huh?
CAL: Them's just names.
Joe says that you go to school in Salinas.
Are you good in your studies?
I get by with them.
Does Aron get by with them?
He's bright.
What are you gonna do when you finish?
You're going to college?
Or back to some ranch?
No, I don't like the ranch.
You take after me.
Makes me mad just to think about a ranch.
Sit down.
What do you want with $5,000?
I want to go into business.
KATE: You're a little young for that,
aren't you?
I'm old enough.
Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess you are.