- What business do you wanna go into?
- Beans.
Beans are up to 3.5 cents now.
And if we get into war,
they're gonna go up to 10, 12.
- If we get into the war.
- That's a gamble you have to take.
- Will Hamilton says that...
- Will?
You going into business
with Will Hamilton?
You see...
my father, he lost about all he had in...
Yeah, I know. I heard about that.
I wanna make enough to pay him back.
What's the matter with him?
Can't he make any money?
CAL: Yeah.
Only he's too good to bother with money.
What makes you think I'd give you $5,000?
I don't know who else to ask.
You got a lot of nerve coming to me.
Why? I didn't do anything to you.
It's a good business venture.
I'll pay you back. I'll give you interest.
You're a business woman, ain't you?
One of the best, Son.
KATE: You know, Sam told me that
you think I ought to be run out of town.
You're afraid that your father and Aron
might find out about me, is that it?
This $5,000, now.
That wouldn't be
any kind of blackmail, would it?
CAL: I never thought about that.
But now that you do, it's a good idea, huh?