I could have killed him if I'd wanted to,
but I didn't.
I just wanted him to let me go.
- Why?
- Because he tried to hold me.
He wanted to tie me down.
He wanted to keep me
on a stinking little ranch...
away from everybody.
Keep me all to himself.
Nobody holds me.
- But he loved you.
- Love.
He wanted to own me.
He wanted to bring me up
like a snot-nosed kid...
and tell me what to do.
Nobody tells me what to do.
Always so right himself.
Knowing everything.
Reading the Bible at me.
- What are you grinning at?
- Nothing.
Maybe you know what I'm talking about?
Always so right himself?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Maybe like you said out there,
maybe you are more like me.
Yeah, you got sense.
Maybe you don't fall for that slop
any more than I do.
Maybe you know what people
are really like. What they want.
I got the toughest house on the coast...
and the finest clientele.
Half the stinking city hall go there.
They sneak in at night...
and I walk in this front door
in the daytime, see.
And I built it up from nothing.
Now you want $5,000 of my money...
to go into business
to pay your father back what he lost.
You know, that's funny.
I don't think he'll know where I got it.
No, but it's funny just the same.
Your father.
He's the purest man there is, isn't he?
He thought he had me all tied up
with his purity.
And now I give you $5,000
of the money that I made...
to save him his purity.