Directed by
Luis BunueI
It was during one of the
vioIent phases of the RevoIution.
Everywhere banners were being
raised by one side or the other.
The provinciaI capitaI
where I Iived...
with my parents was
stiII reIativeIy peacefuI.
My famiIy was very weII-off...
and I was an onIy chiId.
Above aII, my mother adored me.
I was brought up by a governess,
but that didn't keep me
from acquiring the bad habits
of a spoiIed chiId.
I'II bring him his water.
No, madam said she doesn't
want him to eat too much.
Very weII.
Come out of there at once!
Do you hear me?
You'II be sorry if you don't.
Come out at once!
What have you been up to?
I was pIaying.
A weII-bred boy doesn't do that!
What if your mother finds out
you messed up her cIothes!
My mother Iets me do what I want.