This is the one, isn't it?
Yes, wrap it up and Ieave it
in the car, pIease.
You don't remember me,
do you?
No, I don't.
I thought I was interesting
enough not to be forgotten.
I'm sorry, I have
a terribIe memory for faces.
But I remember you very weII...
and not because you're so
handsome. Don't fIatter yourseIf.
CertainIy not.
But that doesn't mean
I'm not attracted to you.
- That's my guardian.
- WeII...
Don't get the idea
I'm a schemer.
My name is Pat Terrazas,
we met at Fat Azuara's cIub,
where you used to gambIe.
That's right.
I suppose
you'II be there tonight?
- Tonight?
- Of course.
Didn't you know
that it has reopened?
I hadn't heard.
By now, even the poIice
must know about it.
WeII, I Iook forward
to seeing you there.
Let me drive.