Do you Iike my Iegs?
My God, Patricia!
This wiII take about a week.
That way the structure
wiII not be damaged.
Just a moment, pIease.
Excuse me.
You'd better go,
ArchibaIdo is aIready here.
If he doesn't want to see me,
I don't want to see him either.
He knows you're married
and have a IittIe girI.
So here we go again,
with the same oId story.
- Do you need heIp?
- No, thank you.
Is this young Iady
a friend of your mistress?
Miss Patti?
She went to schooI with CarIota.
She comes here often?
AImost never. I don't think
my mistress Iikes her much.
WeII, it's a IittIe...
I'm so happy to see you,
Do you know Rivas,
the architect?
I've had the pIeasure.
- How do you do?
- How do you do, Mr de Ia Cruz?
What a darIing IittIe vase.
Look, AIejandro!