I am not going
to beat around the bush.
Something very disturbing
happened to me today...
that stirred up
very deep emotions.
But that's not what I want
to speak to you about.
Why not?
Don't you think
I wouId understand?
Of course. It's onIy that I don't
quite know how to expIain.
You can be open with me.
Maybe we can find
a soIution together.
I'II try to make myseIf cIear.
You are my ideaI.
I know that your purity
and innocence couId save me...
but I don't dare
invoIve you in a tragic destiny.
Why do you say that?
I am convinced that
I am not Iike other men.
I am aware of my feeIings
and they frighten me.
BeIieve me...
there are times
I ferventIy desire to be a saint,
at other times... a great criminaI.
Isn't that absurd?
It seems to me that...
what's wrong with you
is that you're aIone too much.
Why don't you come
to see us more often?
We have a Iot to taIk about.
AIejandro! Don't go in there!
Why not?
I'II go myseIf...
but what can I teII her?
You'II think of something.
CarIota, your godmother
has taken iII.
Who toId you?
They just phoned.
We must go there right away.
I feeI terribIe
but you must excuse us.
Is it serious?
WeII, she's very oId
and you know at that age...
I'm terribIy sorry.
Don't worry. The important thing
is that it's not serious.
- WeII...
- We hope to see you soon.
I'II see you out.