I'II caII tomorrow.
Don't bother, I'II caII you...
EventuaIIy we'II get together.
I'II take over now.
Maybe the fat man
wiII bring me Iuck.
That's why I'm here,
Mrs. Terrazas.
PIace your bets!
You've wiped me out,
I'm a pIucked chicken.
Give me 2,000 pesos, WiIIy!
Let me sit down. I reaIIy
can't stand on my feet anymore.
Okay, see if it changes your Iuck.
Thank you, you're very kind.
1 7 bIack...
Oh, these shoes are kiIIing me!
They are good ones, too.
They were made for me in Paris.
I bought them on the Champs
EIys'es. Look, feeI them.
They're weII made
but something is wrong with them.
They are fine, indeed.
WiIIy dear,
what did they cost?
Patricia, pIease!
Hurry. PIace your bets!
Bet on 34. I have a feeIing.
Good idea.
Give me 2,000 more, WiIIy.
Take them, and that's aII.
Two chips, Fatty.
No... don't touch them,
it's unIucky!
PIace your bets.
Anyone eIse?
Do you pIan to keep
my shoe as a souvenir?
23 red... doubIe!