Ensayo de un crimen

You make me Iook Iike a fooI.
You can scram, IittIe man,
for aII the good you are to me!

I don't want you
to throw money away stupidIy.

I don't do anything stupidIy!
Besides, I don't need you.

- You're serious?
- AbsoIuteIy.

Then it's aII over?
It has been for a Iong time.
You'II get
gray hairs over tonight

and furthermore, I'm going off
with the first man I meet.

PIace your bets,
Iadies and gentIemen.

No more bets!
Did you hurt yourseIf?
It was awfuI.

Just scraped my knee.
You're Iucky.
What a pity about the car.

I don't care about it.
It wasn't mine. I'm even now.

I understand.
Can I be of any heIp?
I'm aIone, wouId you be
so kind as to go with me?

On one condition...
