Do they sIeep in?
Are you from the poIice?
Why so many questions?
I'm interested in you.
- Where are we going?
- To my house.
- You Iive here?
- Yes, right there.
I'm expecting a teIegram.
Just one second.
Here is the house
you were so interested in.
It is not reaIIy
up to my standards,
but peopIe
don't know the difference.
Look at my souvenirs
whiIe I put these away.
I won't be Iong.
How do you Iike my gaIIery?
and fuII of ceIebrities.
The onIy one missing is
the inventor of the atomic bomb.
I haven't got to him yet...
But I'm stiII trying.
And this buIIfighter?
It's RivetiIIo!