Now I'II go fix your drink.
I know you don't drink.
I'II send for your miIk right away.
Is it true this pIace is ancient?
How oId is it?
WeII... it must be...
Was it aIways Iike this?
It used to be a town haII,
and before that it was a bakery.
Amazing! And before that?
Before that, this picturesque
pIace was a convento.
What's a ''convento?''
You know,
a pIace where nuns Iive.
I understand...but...
how many nuns Iived here?
How many...?
WeII, exactIy thirty-two.
I understand...
were there any maIe nuns?
MaIe nuns? WeII, there were
fewer of them...ten or tweIve.
More women and Iess men...
aIways, everywhere.
There's my cousin, I'm going
to say heIIo to him. Excuse me.
Make beIieve you know me.
I had to get away from those peopIe.
Don't you remember me?
I wouId certainIy Iike to.