Ensayo de un crimen

That's why
you were staring at me?

Yes, and because you
Iook so pretty.

Now we're getting somewhere.
Try to remember.

Don't teII me
you've forgotten so soon.

I'm not that naive.
No, reaIIy...
And women shouId trust men...
Our meeting Ieft
a Iasting impression on me.

What's that meIody?
Where did you hear it?

In a music box your mother had
when you were a chiId.

Of course !
What a memory I have !

Let's be friends!
Intimate friends, nothing Iess.
But I must get back
to my Yankee friends.

They know their way around.
And tomorrow, who do I eat?
I'm paid to do this.
- You're an interpreter?
- And a guide.

And aIso a modeI...
made to serve God and you.

One of those so-caIIed artists
has aIready used me.

Look who's there!
My daddy has come to pick me up.

Excuse me.
- When can we meet again?
- It won't be easy.

Since you're not a Yankee
or an artist, I can't see how.

Where do you Iive?
Give me a penciI.
Insurgentes 408.
''La Moda EIegante''.
I am there day and night,
even though it's very confining.

You said
you'd come with some Yankees!

Maybe he's a Yankee.
Quit kidding. Who is he?
Have you forgotten?
Oh yes...
what are you doing with him?

I went over to say heIIo.
He's attractive, don't you think?

I can't understand
why you insist on working.

Now that we're getting married,
it's absurd...
