I don't want peopIe to say
I'm marrying for money.
Let me introduce you to my uncIe.
They're from OkIahoma.
I consider it onIy right
for a mother
to be concerned
about her daughter's future.
CarIota, my chiId...
ArchibaIdo is here.
How are you, Archie ?
ArchibaIdo has come to ask
you something important
and he discussed it
with me first.
But since you must make
the decision,
I'II Ieave you two aIone
so you can taIk freeIy.
Excuse me, pIease.
You must have guessed
what this is about.
Yes... I won't deny it.
Since the other day, I've become
more and more convinced
that you can favourabIy
change my Iife.
I am absoIuteIy certain
that I need you.
If you heIp me, my Iife
wiII not turn into a disaster.
WouId you consider
marrying me?
- To teII the truth...
- What is it?
I'm surprised.
I didn't think
you wouId take that decision.
- Don't you Iike me?
- Of course, I do.
I feeI a great affection for you
but in a matter Iike this,
I need more time to decide.
- How much time?
- Maybe a month or two.
My proposaI
doesn't exactIy pIease you.
It's not that.
I want to be sure and fair to you.
I beg you... Iet me think it over.
As you wish.
But pIease, CarIota,
think of my situation...