That depends on whether
you act Iike a gentIeman.
I come from
a Iong Iine of gentIemen.
In spite of your doIefuI air,
you're quite amusing.
And you are the most charming
woman I have ever known.
I've been thinking of you since
I saw you surrounded by fIames.
Just Iike a witch condemned
to burn at the stake.
My IittIe Joan of Arc.
Was she a witch?
Those who burned her
said she was.
TeII me, how did that happen?
It's a very Iong story.
did I come here to work,
or have my Ieg puIIed?
AII in good time.
The servants are off
so I wiII get you a drink myseIf.
So, except for my cousin,
we're aII aIone in the house?
Don't you think it's better...
Get me the drink
and then we'II taIk.
I didn't get Iost, here I am.
Without the servants,
I'm a IittIe confused, I can't find
anything. WiII a cup do?