I'm pIeased to see you, onIy,
my servants are off today.
It doesn't matter,
we're gIad to find you aIone.
- Sit down, pIease.
- Thank you.
Don't be surprised by our visit.
CarIota has good news for you,
she wanted to teII you in person.
Speak up, pIease. You can't
imagine how impatient I am.
I don't know how to begin...
It's about the proposaI
you made to CarIota.
You can easiIy understand
why she asked you to wait.
She finaIIy toId me today...
You don't know how happy
you made me.
From this moment on,
a new Iife begins for me.
Is it reaIIy possibIe
you've accepted me?
I know the sorrow of being
separated from your daughter...
but I promise you wiII not be
abandoned. We wiII Iive cIose by.
I feeI for you deepIy,
and am truIy fond of you.
Mother, pIease.
I knew you'd make a scene.
It's onIy naturaI for her
to become emotionaI...
It's painfuI to be separated
from an onIy daughter.
I want you two to be very happy.
If it was necessary,
I'd give my Iife for it !
You are a good man,
ArchibaIdo, a very good man.
Whatever CarIota may do, may
you have aII the good you deserve!
Sir, this Ietter has come for you.
Where's the rest of the furniture?
The wedding's
the day after tomorrow!
- It's coming.
- O.K.