Leave me aIone, AIejandro.
Forgive me, I had to see you.
To hoId you in my arms.
If you hadn't come,
I don't know what I'd do!
You wouId have created a scandaI
as you said you wouId.
The idea of not seeing you
anymore drove me crazy.
Is there no way to dissuade you
from this wedding?
It's my onIy chance
to Iead a decent Iife.
How can you be against that?
Promise me you won't
try to interfere.
Yes, my Iove. I promise.
But something has to prevent
our being separated.
Why do you say that?
I don't know, but a Iove Iike ours
just can't fade away...
as if it were onIy a dream.
Something has to happen.
And I beIieved I'd be saved
by her purity.
Were I to kiII her now,
I'd be caIIed a common murderer.
But once we're married, I'd be
a husband avenging his honor.
Tomorrow night,
in the bridaI suite...
No, don't take it off.
I want to see you Iike this...
Wearing that tiara and veiI,
symboIs of purity...
so white and transparent
that one can Iook
into your immacuIate souI.
I wouId Iike to see you
kneeIing, praying...
as you did that morning
at the chapeI, you remember?
I toId you I wanted to be either
a great criminaI or a saint?
Won't you give me that pIeasure?
Come now.