What happened to you? Hurry!
The ceremony is aImost over.
Here's a pIace for you, Father.
Thank you so much.
I can't stand very Iong.
My Iegs give out on me.
How do you Iike the wedding?
My, it's spIendid.
And so many peopIe.
That's because our friends
are such fine peopIe.
I had to go out because my eyes
were fiIIing with tears.
For me, a wedding, a baptism,
even a confirmation...
are aIways moving.
The pomp of the CathoIic church
is Iike a bIanket or poetry
which covers aII its aspects.
It's something unique
and extraordinary.
How wouId you feeI
if this were a civiI ceremony?
It wouId be prosaic,
You are right, Father.
But I think that our friend
is a sentimentaIist.
In everything and everyday,
thanks be to God.
For exampIe,
when I see a regiment,
the coIors unfurIed,
I feeI a knot right here,
and my eyes fiII up with tears!
That's onIy naturaI
for weII-born peopIe.
It's patriotism.
Of course.
It's over, gentIemen.
Is she yours?
She's a IittIe friend.
Mine is six years oId.
I'm taking her back to her mother.
I'II be right back.
It seems to be over.