Once more, Fate intervened
in a curious way. My pIans,
though frustrated, were fuIfiIIed.
Even before your caII,
I had decided to turn myseIf in.
One question, Mr. De La Cruz...
Do you Iike mystery stories?
Your honor?
Mr. Gomez,
you may Ieave the room.
Speaking seriousIy now,
one thing can't be denied...
You are a great criminaI,
that is potentiaIIy.
And what about my crimes?
Your crimes?
What crimes? I dare say...
I can't prosecute you
for wishing someone's death.
We have enough to do as it is.
- Your honor?
- Yes.
Your wife is here.
Have you finished yet?
- In a few seconds.
- Yes, sir.
It was I who kiIIed aII these women.
I'm a criminaI.
Thinking is not a crime,
my friend.
AII I can do
is give you a piece of advice.
Yes, your honor.
In the future,
use an eIectric shaver.
That's about aII.
If you'II excuse me,
my wife is waiting.
Goodbye, your honor.