Good-bye, Mother.
Have you got the Camembert?
Where did it go?
- I don't even like Camembert.
- Neither do I.
I'll slap all of you!
- I've come for my blouse.
- It's not ready.
- I was frightened.
- Of me?
Of someone else?
What are you doing here?
Waiting for you.
I've decided to wait
for you my whole life.
- Here?
- Anywhere.
What lovely roses!
It's so trite, bringing
roses to a young lady
but what I have to say
is so important,
I was afraid I couldn't
say it right off,
so I brought roses to -
To break the ice.
But now that I see you,
I want to plunge right in
and speak to you seriously.
I have to get to dance class
or Guibole will scold me.
I'll talk to her.
She seems like a nice lady.
Shall we sit
on the grass up there?
- You know it?
- Yes.
Allow me to dream
that I'm the boy next door
taking the girl next door out
for the first time.
It's so beautiful here.
May I sit down?
How polite you are.
Too polite for a boy next door?
So there's a big gap between us?
Prince, listen to me.
Let me say
something important first.
I've never been in love,
and I'll never love again.
You are the love of my life.
One more thing.
Ask whatever you want of me.
I can give you so much.
Want to be my country's princess?