Nine thousand yen official rate.
I give you 10% more.
I come every week,
collect 9,000 yen for protection...
so nobody'll do to you
what I'm doing, okay?
Wake him up.
That's enough.
Who you working for?
Come on. Answer the man.
Answer the man!
Who are you working for?
Who's he?
And who else?
Eddie who?
I asked you who else
you're working for.
I told you.
Well, Griff, you had it figured right.
Our Chicago mob was coming in
to take over Tokyo.
Well, that's what happens
when you act like a hoodlum.
Selling protection.
You know, my pappy used to
tell me about that...
while I was on his knee.
Where've you been
the last 20 years, Eddie?
What museum did you crawl out of?
What's it to you?
I don't remember seeing you around.