How about officially?
Shakedown cruise completed, X-ray.
Struck submerged object, X-ray.
Damage minor.
Putting into Pearl for repairs.
Have it coded
and passed on to Operations.
Aye, aye, sir.
And just hope
that's the end of it.
And just hope
that's the end of it.
But that was only the beginning.
When Commander Mathews brought the
atomic submarine into Pearl Harbor...
the Defense Department found itself
confronted with a problem...
beyond the scope
of Navy manuals.
What was the nature
of that nameless substance...
found caught in
the damaged diving planes?
A substance so strange,
so inexplicable and alarming...
that the best minds in the nation had
to be called upon to solve the problem.
Behind the guarded door
where the secret lay hidden...
and for the first time
in their lives...
three people met.
Couldn't be a mistake.
You think so, Professor?
It's tissue, all right.
- Where'd it come from?
- Some living creature.
All that hunk
came from one living creature?
That's right.
You mean, that's not all one animal?
There's more to it?
A great deal more.
It'd be dead now, wouldn't it?
I doubt it.
Must be pretty big.
Doctor, what kind of a sea beast
would be that large?
What do you call it
so I can stop calling it "it"?