without a trace.
Siberian seal fishing
has been reported unaccountably bad.
But theJapanese fishermen
may have gone down in a typhoon.
Who knows what's really happening
in Siberia?
Cmdr. Mathews' submarine encountered it.
Or are you puestioning that as well?
I have to puestion all of it.
Perhaps ProfessorJoyce
has another opinion to advance.
No, I'm afraid not.
We've had too little sleep
in the last few days.
- If you want to discuss anything else...
- That won't be necessary. Thank you.
You've given us
enough to think of.
Before you go, do you mind giving us
your reaction to our findings?
That'll be taken
under advisement.
It's been very enlightening.
- Thank you for all you've done.
- Good night.
Good night, sir.
- Well, that's letting us down easy.
- Oh, you're just tired.
So what?
So I'm tired.
They didn't even believe us.
Well, they have to be cautious.
Of course.
We understand.
Does that mean
we're free to go now?
Just as soon as your release
comes through, in just a few days.
John, you can make
the science congress.
If you play your cards right,
I can meet you in Cairo.
I was never very much good
at playing cards.
- I'm tired. I'm going to the hotel now.
- We can all go over together.
All right.
I'll just change.
She's a wonderful girl.
Sure is.
- And you are a lucky man.
- Lucky?
Don't we make our own luck,
Well, it isn't everyone
that can vacation in Egypt.
No, Leslie and I have published
contrary viewpoints...
on the sinking nature
of the coast of the Red Sea.
We're going to investigate
via Apua-Lung.
The loser is going to
publish a retraction.
Sounds ideal.
Nothing like mixing pleasure
with work, huh?
Oh, yes, that is your work,
isn't it?
Well, I'm ready.