What's this all about?
l'll guess. You were out with some guy
who thought ''no'' was a three-letter word.
l should've thrown you off that cliff
back there. l might still do it.
- Where are you headed?
- Los Angeles.
Drop me off at the first bus stop.
Do you always go around
with no clothes on?
(man) What's the trouble, officer?
A woman escaped from an asylum
upstate. Young, wearing a trench coat.
- Seen anybody to fit that description?
- No, officer.
OK, move on.
Haven't seen a thing, officer.
- Oh, my wife's been asleep.
- All right, move on.
May l have my hand back now?
So you're a fugitive
from the laughing house.
They forced me to go there.
Took away my clothes to make me stay.
l wish l could tell you that.
l have to tell someone.
When people are in trouble,
they need to talk.
But you know the old saying.
What l don't know can't hurt me?
This wheel doesn't feel right.
lt keeps pulling over.
- Good evening, folks.
- Check the right front wheel.