his car, himself...
Bet you do push-ups
to keep your belly hard.
You against good health or something?
l could tolerate flabby muscles in a man
if it would make him more friendly.
You're the kind of person who never
gives in a relationship, who only takes.
Ah, woman. The incomplete sex.
And what does she need to complete her?
Why, man, of course. Wonderful man.
All right, all right, let it go.
That bus stop will be coming up soon
and l don't even know your name.
You forget, l'm a loony from the laughing
house. All loonies are dangerous.
D'you ever read poetry?
No, of course you wouldn't.
Christina Rossetti wrote love sonnets.
l was named after her.
- Christina?
- Yes, Mike.
l got your name from
the registration certificate, Mr Hammer.
Get me to that bus stop
and you can forget you ever saw me.
- lf we don't make that bus stop...
- We will.
lf we don't...
remember me.
(Christina screams)
(repeated screams)
(screams continue)