Hey, Mike.
- Hi, Velda.
- Hi.
You're never around when l need you.
You never need me when l'm around.
Pat's here.
Five minutes, that's all you've got. Nurse.
- Hi, flatfoot.
- Hi.
Three days ago l was figuring l'd have
to finance a new tux to bury the corpse.
Three days? How am l doin'?
You're doin' all right. ln a couple
of weeks you'll walk out of here.
Can you remember, Mike?
How it happened, the whole thing?
l never thought l'd smell that again.
Ooh, look at all the goodies.
- l have a cab.
- Mr Hammer?
You won't need the cab.
We'd like to ask you a few questions.
That figures. See you later.
- Why not come in? We may be a while.
- l'll wait here.