(phone rings)
(female voice) This is Crestview 5-4 1 24.
Mr Hammer, whom you are calling,
is not available at present.
lf you wish to leave a record of your call,
please state your message at the tone.
(Velda) Hello, Mike. Just checking to see
if you got home. Call me when you...
Oh, l'm glad you're there.
Are you all right?
- Sure. Why?
- l'll be right over.
(hangs up)
- What did they want?
- Asked a lot of questions.
- What kind of questions?
- Questions.
When you leave, tell Nick...
What do you want me to tell him?
You know, just to hold
the soft part of your arms is a meal...
Tell him to drop his car off tonight
and pick it up in the morning.
What's in the folder?
A fella named Ray Diker called up
while you were in the hospital.
He wants to see you and l thought
you'd want me to check up on him.
(knock at door)
Don't answer it.
(another knock)
Mike? lt's Pat. Official business this time.
Maybe he'll go away.
(lock jiggles)