Kiss Me Deadly

l moved her.
l tell you where.
- Buona notte.
- Buona notte.

Come in.
Who are you?
My name is Mike Hammer, if it matters.
What do you want?
l was with Christina
the night she was killed.

They tried to kill me too.
lf you like, l'll show you the scars.

- How'd you find me?
- Picked up a thread. Anybody could do it.

Mind if l sit down
while you're making up your mind?

Christina was my friend.
The bird in the cage, what happened to it?
lt was a nice bird.
Used to eat out of my hand.

You let it die. Why'd you let it die?
lt reminded me of her every time it sang.
She was a good kid.
She was lots of fun.

We worked together, couple of jobs...
Till she got sick.

That's when l noticed
that she started to change.

You get on a merry-go-round
and think you can get off any old time.

But then it starts going too fast.
She was scared.
She was more and more scared.

She was afraid to go out.
She'd go to the movies once in a while
or out for groceries, but never very far.

Then the police came around.
