You're cute. You oughta know
better than anyone what it's worth.
l set my fee according to the case.
This one keeps getting higher.
lt does, huh?
Maybe you'd like to make an exploratory
offer just to get the ball rolling.
OK, Mr Hammer. lt's been nice talking
to you. Drop round again sometime.
Maybe then l'll have
a better notion of my fee.
lt's too late to set a fee, Mr Hammer.
Suddenly it's too late.
(faint opera music )
l've been out here three times
and this dame keeps brushin' me off.
l gotta make a living, too. Send somebody
else. How much can a guy take?
l'm not comin' out again. Get somebody
else. There are other guys around here.
(opera music gets louder)
A guy could get a heart attack
walkin' up here.
Who invited you?
- Carmen Trivago. What room?
- Follow your ear.
Thank you.
(man singing along to ''Martha''
by Flotow, sung by Caruso)