Say, it works swell!
But when she put
that horrible muzzle on me...
Oh, say no more. I get the
whole picture. Aunts, cats, muzzles.
Well, that's what comes
of tying yourself down to one family.
- Haven't you a family?
- One for every day of the week.
The point is,
none of them have me.
I'm afraid I don't understand.
It's simple. You see...
Something tells me it's supper-time.
Come on. I'll show you what I mean.
Now take the Schultzes here.
Little Fritzie...
That's me, Pige.
Makes this his Monday home.
Monday home?
Ach, ja! Mondays is Mama Schultz
cooking der wiener schnitzel.
Now, O'Briens here
is where little Mike...
Sure and that's me again, Pige.
Comes of a Tuesday.
Of a Tuesday?
Begorra and that's when they're after
havin' that darlin' corn beef.
You see, Pige, when you're
footloose and collar-free...
ah, you take nothing but the best.
Hey, Tony's!
Of course. The very place
for a very special occasion.
No, this way, Pige.
I have my own private entrance.
Wait here.
Just-a one-a minute.
I'm a-comin'. I'm a...
What's-a matter? Somebody's a-makin'
the April fool with...
Oh, hello, Butch!