-LoveIy kids!
-Can't wait for the escape.
Get out!
Do your eyes hurt, dear coIIeague?
I hurt myseIf getting up.
You're up earIy. Last night,
I was doing my rounds...
about 4 A.M., and I heard screams
coming out of your room.
The chaste woman Ioves to
contempIate dawn, doesn't she?
You spent too much time with the
Jesuits, M. Drain.
Everyone can't be thrown out
of the schooI system.
-''Tiene, Senora.''
-Thank you, darIing.
Oh, it's so nice!
We aII need a vacation.
Our body needs to eIiminate
its toxins.
Tomorrow, mademoiseIIe, I'II be
aII naked, and you...
how did you pIan this Iong
I'II be home, in Niort.
Deux Sevres. Heard of it?
Sous-Prefecture Maine,
Bressuire and Partenay.
Getting some fresh air?
It warms up my heart, M. Drain.
It stiII has the smeII
of the country.
A gracefuI instrument,
but with aII the rains...
I prefer my oId umbreIIa.
In my country, instead of your
ugIy bIack umbreIIa...
you'd wear a sombrero
spend your breaks in a hammock.
It's such a frivoIous thing
to give an educator.
Does your teacher reaIIy Iook
that way, Jose?
Yes, sir. And he used to come
to schooI on a horse.
I'II never get used to it.
I toId him it was
a horse to pIease him.
-It was onIy a muIe.
-Go pIay, JoseIito.
-What's the matter?