Les Diaboliques

-NicoIe! -I'm up here.
I'm coming down.

What are you doing?
Be carefuI. Move back.
Those riding the bus,
raise your hands.

WiII your sister stiII be
in the bathroom?

If we get there before ten.
You'II see, I made a hoIe.

-Give me the pack back!
-You'II see my sister naked.

-It's worth a pack a cigarettes.
-No! Give them back to me!

Soudieu, aren't you part of
our group?

No. We'II share a cab,
the four of us.

Money is pouring out of
your pockets.

Don't you have a suitcase,
de Gasquet?

The chauffeur wiII take it.
He's being paid for that.

Our personaI chauffeurs don't do
their job right, dear friend.

Have a nice vacation, sir.
-You too
-Thank you.

PIantiveau, did madame come down?
I was ringing the beII when
they drove through the gate.

-I opened it.
-Both of them?

Madame DeIassaIIe and
MademoiseIIe Horner.

I thought you knew.
Of course, I knew. I just forgot.
Except that it's a probIem.
