If the Herbouxes Iook out
the window and...
-see him come in...
-You'II come right away, won't you?
As fast as I can, I promise.
Be brave, in haIf an hour,
it wiII aII be over.
I'II find her a husband.
I'II redeem myseIf.
She's young, she'II be rich
and she'II be happy.
I wasn't expecting you tonight.
Mme. DeIassaIIe is resting
and I'm not tired.
-May I come in?
-PIease, do.
We were Iistening to the radio.
We've finished eating.
The drama is over.
Zapi Max starts in a few seconds.
Dear Iisteners, you've just heard...
''One ShouId Never Laugh
at Love'' by AIfred de Musset.