You have forced me to come,
what are you waiting for?
-Pack your bags.
-I'm staying.
-Are you refusing to come?
I thought that was cIear.
I'II come back after our divorce.
-Have you decided to get a divorce,
you? -Yes.
With your reIigious beIiefs?
I won't get married again,
that's aII.
But getting a divorce is
Iike getting married...
we must both agree.
-My Iawyer doesn't think so.
-You have a Iawyer?
-Attorney Berthoux, 64 Victor Hugo.
You can check in the phone book.
I went to see him this morning...
and he assured me that I'd get
the IegaI separation quickIy.
He toId you that?
Funny Iawyer!
-Of course, I toId him...
-You toId him...
aII of our secrets...
about our private Iife.
You toId everything to
a stranger?
An animaI who enjoyed
every word of it?
You, the former nun!
I'm teIIing you, it's
Didn't you taIk about us
to your Iovers?
Do we stiII have secrets?
Is there anything that NicoIe
doesn't know?
Her! If you beIieve her!
Two words, three Iies.
There are detaiIs that
she couIdn't have invented.
She can invent anything!
God knows what she toId
the Iawyer!
-I'II go see him, and put
things straight. -No!
-You won't stop me.
-No, Iater. Tomorrow.
-Right now, he must be having
supper -WeII, I didn't eat.
-He won't receive you.
-We'II see.
When I teII him that I came
aII the way from Paris...
Don't. I didn't see a Iawyer.
I Iied to you.
You too. It's contagious.