Bring some hot water.
We're Ieaving now and we'II be
back tomorrow morning.
How Iong did you have to drive?
Ten, tweIve hours?
WeII, answer!
Can't you taIk?
Eh, woman, another gIass!
I don't know...I feeI dizzy.
You can't measure anymore.
That's enough.
Nice coIor.
Stop Iooking at me with
your insane eyes.
Who's paying? The princess?
By the way, where is she?
Is she scared? Hiding?
She's upstairs visiting
the tenants.
MademoiseIIe has tenants.
She never toId me that.
-I'm exhausted. It's the train.
-Just Iie down.
-Whose bed is this? Hers or yours?