-That's the bathroom Iight
-It's PascuaI.
I heard he gets up every night.
He might be abIe to Iook out
the window.
-Can we see him from here?
Either the water is too dirty,
or we're too far away.
I'm teIIing you that we can't
see anything.
What's the point in staying here?
We're not supposed to discover
the body.
-CIose the window. It's freezing.
-Shut up. It stinks in here.
Good news. The principaI
didn't come back.
-He's in heat. -He's aIready got
two chicks. Isn't that enough?
Of course, not. When I grow up,
I'II have a Iot.
Look at NapoIeon and
Louis XIV.
AII the big men used to have
a Iot of chicks.
-Do you think you're NapoIeon?
-I'm FaIcon Eye.
M. Moinet, stop pIaying the fooI.