Anyway, give her some
-The doctor said... -I don't care.
CIose the shutters and go.
No. It wouId be too easy.
Much too easy.
Does a corpse that disappears
seem naturaI to you? Not to me.
If he's not in the pooI,
someone took him out.
I asked PIantiveau if he
opened the door for anyone.
-He said no one.
-Why wouId he Iie?
If no one went out...
the body shouId be around here.
I've searched everywhere.
The attic, the basements,
the garden. There's nothing.
No dirt, no footsteps.
There's nothing.
My head is about to expIode.
It's crazy.
It's been crazy since
the beginning.
Not even a kid's game.
You took one of your
word probIems
with Ieaking taps,
and tanks that empty...
and you pIanned
a murder from it.
In reaI Iife, this kind
of thing does not exist.
Bathtubs that we fiII up,
swimming pooIs that we empty.
That was crazy. And I was
crazy to Iisten to you.
Come in!
Somebody brought back
monsieur's suit.
The one he's been wearing
-The Prince of WaIes.
-Who brought it back?
-The dry-cIeaner.
-What dry-cIeaner?
I don't know. He came
on a bicycIe.
He Iooked at the street name...
and asked again if it was
the right address.
A very conscientious
IittIe guy.
Get to the point.
He said it was from
M. DeIassaIIe.
So I asked him: ''Did you see
M. DeIassaIIe? Where?''