Les Diaboliques

So he said:
''I didn't see him''...

but he asked me to bring
the suit home, urgentIy.

WeII, shouId I hang it up
in the cIoset?

No. Leave it here.
It is his suit.
That's compIeteIy insane!
Rue St. Ferdinand.
-Good morning.
-Excuse me.

Did you deIiver a suit
this morning in St. CIoud?

-What's the name?
-Mme. DeIassaIIe.

-Was there a probIem?
-No. We just want to know who...

-brought this suit to you.
-We see so many of them!

If I remember weII, it was
a taII thin man, dark hair...

with a bamboo cigarette hoIder.
There's a check mark.
The kid forgot something.

It was in his pocket.
Eden HoteI. Room nine.
Your husband seems to be
Ieading some Iife!

I can have the kid bring
the key, if you wish.

Do you know this hoteI, madam?
It's a residentiaI hoteI.
Very cozy.

Come on!
First street on the right.
Number 27.
