-What are you doing here?
-I'm Iooking for M. DeIassaIIe.
He's never here during
the day.
-When does he come back?
-Who knows if he comes back at aII.
His bed is aIways neat. See,
no beIongings, no bags.
Nothing. Some weird guest.
Did you ever see him?
Never, neither did
the doorkeeper.
He must come, after I Ieave...
and before the other guy
starts his shift.
But, why aII these questions?
He's my husband.
I am Mme. DeIassaIIe.
Poor Iady! This isn't where
you shouId Iook for him.
You can trust me. His Iife
is somewhere eIse.
It's scary. What's happening
to us?
I don't know.
No one knows.
It doesn't make any sense.
80,000 francs. Shower repair,
and it's two years oId.
Ah, this time it smeIIs
the baiIiff.
Pay them haIf. It's aIready
-He was reaIIy dead, wasn't he?
-You're the one who shouId know.
-Why are you saying that?
-You kiIIed him, didn't you?