Les Diaboliques

I read this, and I think
it's my husband.

Identity card.
CouId you describe
M. DeIassaIIe?

Dark hair, thin, dark eyes.
AII this has aIready been written
in the paper. It's too easy.

-I want detaiIs.
-What do you want to know?

I don't know. You teII me.
If you teII me he had
an appendectomy...

-it's a detaiI.
-He's had the operation.

-Dentition. How many teeth?
-AII of them, I think.

-Maybe one or two.

-One or two?

-Beauty marks?

-On his shouIder.

Why didn't you teII me
he had a braceIet?

-He never had one!

-What do you see on
his right thigh? -Nothing.

Try to think, above the knee.
I can't see anything.
So it must be a mistake.

Bring up number 4702.
You were right.

No braceIet and
nothing above the knee.
