Les Diaboliques

It's boiIing, mademoiseIIe.
-How Iong do you think
it can boiI? -Five minutes.

How do I know.
He had his own keys.

He wouId go in, and out.
He was the boss.

And it was vacation anyway.
-Was he a IittIe Iow-spirited?
-It was not his styIe.

It was more in his nature
to compIicate his Iife.

-Maybe he was feeIing sick.
-CouIdn't be.

The man was very strong.
When he was younger, he was
a tennis champion.

Did he get a teIegram
on Sunday?

A phone caII? Sometimes, peopIe
Ieave after a phone caII.

I can't teII you, sir.
This Sunday I took my wife
to the park...

and when the schooI is cIosed,
we seize the opportunity.

There might be the hypothesis
of the accident.

Did M. DeIassaIIe used
to drive fast, very fast?

He didn't have the car.
The women took it to Niort.

That's right. Don't you think
he couId've drowned?

Drowned? He was a reaI fish.
This man couId swim.
I see. WeII, thank you.
The AIps separate ItaIy from
France in the southeast.

The AIps are very high

There is Mont-BIanc,
the highest mountain in Europe.

In the east, there is the Jura...
