Average nose, ears...foIded in.
How to find someone with
this description?
WeII, we'II find him.
These pigs are so strong!
What was he wearing
the day he disappeared?
We were away that day, sir.
Of course! How stupid of me.
Here's what we'II do.
We'II Iook into
his wardrobe...
and we'II see what is missing.
One, two, three,
four, five, six. Six.
-What did the 7th pair Iook Iike?
-Brown suede.
-Red, with a white stripe.
You're sharp-eyed. He's got
at Ieast 25 ties.
So, suit?
So you know his ties
better than his suits.
I think it's a Prince of WaIes,
Prince of WaIes, grey.
-Like this one?
-Wait a minute.
-Is something wrong?
Mme. DeIassaIIe has a heart
condition. We must spare her.
You shouId have toId me.
It's not that urgent. I've got
enough to keep myseIf busy.
Take care of yourseIf.
I'II go visit downtown.