He punished himseIf in order
to create this story.
Who knows? ObviousIy...
this is a case of
seIf-induced haIIucination.
The kid broke a window
and in his subconscious...
he generated the idea
of punishment...
to match the principaI's.
Darkness did the rest.
-Do you reaIIy think so?
-No. The kid saw himseIf...
being punished in the IiteraI
sense of the word.
I think he's kidding us...
in the IiteraI sense of the word.
-Give me your sIingshot.
-The principaI took it.
Don't you think you're a IittIe
out of Iine?
I feeI tired. I'm going
to sIeep.
-Suit yourseIf.
Goodnight. Go get some rest.
M. Moinet. We've been
patient enough.
If you want to be stubborn...
go straight to the corner.
You'II get out onIy
after you teII the truth.
We'II see who gets tired
I saw him. I saw him.
-Moinet couIdn't have brought
this sIingshot. -CertainIy not.
-So who couId've done that?
-It couId be anyone.
-It's a coincidence.
Fichet at the morgue,
was a coincidence.
And the suit, and the hoteI,
and now the students.
Is it a coincidence that
it's getting cIoser each time?
PIease, caIm down. My nerves
are going as weII.
It's aII getting cIear.
There are no miracIes in Iife.
Each time I cIose my eyes...
it seems that I'm going to see
Don't taIk. He must aIready
be in some condition.