Great. Nobody moved.
PIease...I came out fine.
This is the first time I've
had the position of honor.
When I show the picture,
they'II think I'm the principaI.
-What do I see behind
the window? -Looks Iike the boss.
-You're nuts!
-Wait! Let me put my monocIe on.
-Let me see, mademoiseIIe!
-Leave me aIone!
-I didn't see anything?!
-You didn't miss anything.
It's some kind of shot-siIk
The refIection of a cIoud or
some spot on the window...
that reminds us of
the principaI's features.
Maybe it's him!
He didn't want to interrupt us...
or this was just an innocent joke.
I can't see DeIassaIIe pIaying
But you, didn't you see
I was Iooking at the group,
being sure to see everybody.
Let's settIe this once and
for aII. Moinet.
You're such a great observer.
Did you see the principaI?
Six hours in the corner,
thank you, that's enough!
The case is cIosed.
There wasn't anyone.
ThankfuIIy. ReaIIy.
To hear peopIe saying...
that peopIe go in and out
of here...
without me knowing it, it's
offensive for a doorkeeper.
-I'm afraid.
-Me too.
We must go now.
Here, get dressed!
The doctors forbid me to move.
Where wouId we go, anyway?
To my pIace.
In Niort? Don't you think
he might be there as weII?
He's more certainIy there,
than anywhere eIse.
So, we'II traveI, we'II go
It's not possibIe.
There's no point.
-I can't stay here anymore.
-So, just go.
What about you?
I can't Ieave you here.
Yes. You'II see. And you'II
get used to managing without me.
Besides, I don't want to see
you anymore.