WeII, weII...
Aren't you arresting me?
You shouId stop pIaying
with your nerves.
You need a strong sedative.
ShaII I turn off the Iight?
Tomorrow morning, you'II
wake up acquitted.
He disappeared. She's deficient.
In addition, NicoIe
runs away.
-Doesn't it remind you of anything?
-Registering for unempIoyment.
I'm afraid. Here's the cop.
I found it under
the diving board.
-Isn't there a wicker trunk
around here? -Yes, sir.
-Above the garage.
-So, Iet's go.
It's starting to stink.
You wonder if anything happened
to DeIassaIIe.
You're a witness that I didn't
know anything.
Me either, dear coIIeague.
Right. Let him manage aIone.
I don't know why, but...
You think that we fucked up.
Me too.