and because I know myself.
You sound secure. I doubt
whether anyone is that secure.
I have known but one man in my life.
My husband. He was a nationalist general.
Captured and shot by the Communists.
I believe in the human heart now
only as a doctor.
I bet you're a good doctor.
But I still think that destiny might have
something in store for us after all.
- Why?
- Because you've retreated to a tower,
and the only trouble with an ivory tower
is is a temptation to lightning.
Lightning will not strike me, Mr Elliott.
Your honourable fish, sir.
Thank you for the moon
and the honourable fish
and the lovely evening.
You're entirely welcome.
I don't know when I've
enjoyed an evening as much.
- Good night.
- I want to tell you something. I'm married.
- I knew you were married.
- And you still went out with me?
If you were happily married
there could be no danger,
and if you weren't,
it could make no difference.
Will I see you again?
Uh... I think not.
I think so. I'll call you about next Wednesday.
- Good night, Suyin.
- Good night.