- Third Uncle.
- Suyin.
Third Aunt.
- Cousin Lee Foo.
- May Yin, Cousin Suyin.
- Cousin Lee Chung.
- Shaw Fong, Cousin Suyin.
Cousin Lee Wong?
Yen Feng, Cousin Suyin.
We have waited for this moment.
We hope that you have
not changed within you.
I am the same,
and you are as I remembered you.
- Your face is fuller.
- It was not yesterday.
Some of the family thought
that you would be foreign to us.
You do not seem strange.
I feel like the locust that
has suddenly cast its shell.
You are at home. We shall now
have tea and speak of absurdities.
May we now speak of Suchen, Third Uncle?
Suchen has brought disgrace on us.
She has gone to live in
the house of a foreigner.
Not 50 yards from our home, she is
living under the protection of this alien.