It is settled.
Yet I should like permission of my uncle.
It would hurt him not to make this gesture.
Sit here, Suyin. There, Mr Elliott.
Third Uncle...
I respectfully ask your permission
to become the wife of Mark Elliott.
- Where would you live?
- In Hong Kong, with Mark.
And will you now give up your vow
to medicine for devotion to Mr Elliott?
I won't ask Suyin to give up
being a doctor to be my wife, sir.
Suyin... you are a Chinese citizen.
When your passport expires,
you may not be granted
the right to practise in Hong Kong.
Where would you go?
If Suyin wanted to practise medicine
in China, I would live here.
The new tapestry will be
tightly woven, Mr Elliott.
You would not fit into its hard pattern.
We can always go to America.
Ah, yes.
It can begin in flight,
pull up roots, and wither and die.
Third Aunt, do you believe
that this is wrong?
You have asked, and I must answer.
He is a foreigner.
Well, that I can't change.
We are not strange to this problem, Mr Elliott.
Suyin's father left the land of
his ancestors for a European.
He left part of his heart.
I would rather face the future without
hope than the present without Mark.
Then you must do what you have to do.
We cannot stem the tide of change.