No, she's not here.
What's the matter, Marty?
Did she run away?
Keep away from her.
- Lf I catch you around her, I'll kill you.
- She has to walk out on you herself.
If she ever gets the guts to do it,
I will be hanging around.
I'm just telling you
so you'll know where to find me.
- Where now, Marty?
- Home.
I'm gonna get my rest.
She's the one putting on the big act?
Let her be the one that don't sleep.
You say there's nobody registered there
that looks like that?
Are you sure?
Well, what time did you come on duty?
All right, all right.
Keep your shirt on.
Marty, why don't you lay down a while.
She's gotta be someplace.
What's she doing this for?
Hello? Hello, Ruthie. What...?
What did you say, miss?
All right.
I'll be there.